Saturday, February 2, 2008

Hello World!

We just bought a dollhouse! No, we're not stuffy 60 year old women, and this won't be a $500 colonial monstrosity with handmade artisan furniture or waxy, lifeless dolls perpetually baking their grandchildren hot buns.

We are two twenty-something young women that like art and crafts, and were looking for a creative project to collaborate on. This is out first stab at a dollhouse, but it's going to kick ass. We are going to make everything ourselves, and document the process--because we found there weren't any cool, progressive dollhouse sites.

This blog will contain photos of our progress, biographies and stories about the people that will be living in our houses, how-to guides about how to create your own dollhouse furniture & accessories, and probably some stuff about us too.

Here is our dollhouse, which we just ordered today from the magical dollhouse:<3 Molly & Erin

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